幻想水滸傳 英文翻譯patch - 模擬器

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2013-03-24T12:47

Table of Contents


After nearly five years, the English translation of Suikogaiden Vol. 1:
Swordsman of Harmonia is completed.

Suikogaiden Vol. 1 (as well as its sequel Vol. 2) is a PSX visual novel
spin-off of the Suikoden series, taking place at the same approximate time as
Suikoden II and featuring many of that game’s characters. Suikoden
completionists, or anyone interested in the Suikoden world and characters,
will find it worth playing.

The translation was completed by an appropriately broad cast of characters,
led by rin_uzuki, at the Suikogaiden Translation Project. She got signficant
assistance from Niahak and Raww Le Klueze on the translation side, and Rufas,
David Holmes and Pokeytax on the coding side - but many others helped get
this patch released.







All Comments

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2013-03-28T14:59
推 最近有點想回味 英文個人玩起來障礙較少...
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2013-03-29T01:09
日文我反而障礙比較少耶 有語音就更順
不過英文玩起來也滿有趣的 邊查字典邊玩
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2013-03-29T17:30

PCSX2 常常跑到一半停止回應

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2013-03-24T11:24
常常在不明原因下,pcsx2模擬ff12執行一段時間後 程式就會出現停止回應的訊息,被迫強制關閉 已用「管理者權限」執行 pcsx2設定,也照官方預設設定下去執行 模擬器設定中,也依預設沒有執行任何速度駭客 也試過1.0.0版,或者更新的svn5602 都會有這種問題,而且這問題不單只出現在ff12 其它遊 ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2013-03-24T09:59
已爬過文 /過 no$gba 金手指 我玩神奇寶貝心金版 按照這個網站的金手指使用 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/nds119/7250052 以金錢最大來講 我輸入了金手指如圖1 http://ppt.cc/ziZ2 然後按確定後卻沒有網路上說的可以勾選的空格 而是一個不能點的 ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2013-03-23T22:25
這個遊戲是這樣的 印象中 1. 畫面大概是這個俯視角度 (以下如圖) http://res.d.cn/android/new/news/201105/1305704351453q6wz.jpg 2. 攻擊方式:腳、手槍、機關槍、散彈槍、榴彈槍 or 火箭筒!? 3. 最弱的敵人手上沒有武器(任你殺), ...

MAME/MESS v0.148u2

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2013-03-23T20:39
MAME SVN r21964 ( http://mame.dorando.at/svn/?rev=21964 ) New clones added ---------------- Virus (Dr. Mario prototype, PlayChoice-10) [Lost Levels] 新增遊戲 ...

(PC-E) PCE v0.2.2

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2013-03-23T19:30
2013.03.23 以前那個PCE的衍生版本,沉寂一陣子之後在今年又復活了。    PCE v0.2.2 is released. PCE is a PC Emulator. -- PCE v0.2.2 Changelog: * ibmpc: Support ...